Source code for pyebus.typedecoder

"""EBUSD Typecode Decoder."""
import re

from . import types

_RE_BIT = re.compile(r"\ABI\d(:(\d))?\Z")

    # BDA       BCD date                           day first, including weekday, Sunday=0x06
    # BDA:3     BCD date                           day first, excluding weekday
    # HDA       hex date                           day first, including weekday, Sunday=0x07
    # HDA:3     hex date                           day first, excluding weekday
    # DAY       date in days                       days since 01.01.1900
    "BDA": types.DateType(),
    "BDA:3": types.DateType(),
    "HDA": types.DateType(),
    "HDA:3": types.DateType(),
    "DAY": types.DateType(),
    # BTI       BCD time                      hh:mm:ss                 seconds first
    # HTI       hex time                      hh:mm:ss                 hours first
    # VTI       hex time                      hh:mm:ss                 seconds first
    "BTI": types.TimeType(),
    "HTI": types.TimeType(),
    "VTI": types.TimeType(),
    # BTM       BCD time                      hh:mm                    minutes first
    # HTM       hex time                      hh:mm                    hours first
    # VTM       hex time                      hh:mm                    minutes first
    # MIN       time in minutes               hh:mm                    minutes since last midnight
    # TTM       truncated time                hh:m0                    multiple of 10 minutes
    # TTH       truncated time                hh:m0                    multiple of 30 minutes
    # TTQ       truncated time                hh:mm                    multiple of 15 minutes
    "BTM": types.HourMinuteType(),
    "HTM": types.HourMinuteType(),
    "VTM": types.HourMinuteType(),
    "MIN": types.HourMinuteType(),
    "TTM": types.HourMinuteType(minres=10),
    "TTH": types.HourMinuteType(minres=30),
    "TTQ": types.HourMinuteType(minres=15),
    # BDY       weekday                       Mon...Sun                Sunday=0x06
    # HDY       weekday                       Mon...Sun                Sunday=0x07
    "BDY": types.WeekdayType(),
    "HDY": types.WeekdayType(),
    # BCD       unsigned BCD                  0...99
    # BCD:2     unsigned BCD                  0...9999
    # BCD:3     unsigned BCD                  0...999999
    # BCD:4     unsigned BCD                  0...99999999
    "BCD": types.IntType(0, 99),
    "BCD:2": types.IntType(0, 9999),
    "BCD:3": types.IntType(0, 999999),
    "BCD:4": types.IntType(0, 99999999),
    # TODO: HCD       unsigned hex BCD              0...99999999             each BCD byte converted to hex
    # TODO: HCD:1     unsigned hex BCD              0...99                   each BCD byte converted to hex
    # TODO: HCD:2     unsigned hex BCD              0...9999                 each BCD byte converted to hex
    # TODO: HCD:3     unsigned hex BCD              0...999999               each BCD byte converted to hex
    # PIN       unsigned BCD                  0000...9999
    "PIN": types.PinType(),
    # UCH       unsigned integer              0...254
    "UCH": types.IntType(0, 254),
    # SCH       signed integer               -127...127
    # D1B       signed integer               -127...127
    "SCH": types.IntType(-127, 127),
    "D1B": types.IntType(-127, 127),
    # D1C       unsigned number               0.0...100.0              fraction 1/2 = divisor 2
    "D1C": types.IntType(0, 100, divider=2),
    # D2B       signed number                -127.99...127.99          fraction 1/256 = divisor 256
    "D2B": types.IntType(-127.99, 127.99, divider=256),
    # D2C       signed number                -2047.9...2047.9          fraction 1/16 = divisor 16
    "D2C": types.IntType(-2047.9, 2047.9, divider=16),
    # FLT       signed number                -32.767...32.767         low byte first, fraction 1/1000 = divisor 1000
    # FLR       signed number reverse        -32.767...32.767         high byte first, fraction 1/1000 = divisor 1000
    "FLT": types.IntType(-32.767, 32.767, divider=1000),
    "FLR": types.IntType(-32.767, 32.767, divider=1000),
    # EXP       signed float number          -3.0e38...3.0e38          low byte first
    # EXR       signed float number reverse  -3.0e38...3.0e38          high byte first
    "EXP": types.FloatType(),
    "EXR": types.FloatType(),
    # UIN       unsigned integer              0...65534                low byte first
    # UIR       unsigned integer reverse      0...65534                high byte first
    "UIN": types.IntType(0, 65534),
    "UIR": types.IntType(0, 65534),
    # SIN       signed integer               -32767...32767            low byte first
    # SIR       signed integer reverse       -32767...32767            high byte first
    "SIN": types.IntType(-32767, 32767),
    "SIR": types.IntType(-32767, 32767),
    # U3N       unsigned 3 byte int           0...16777214             low byte first
    # U3R       unsigned 3 byte int reverse   0...16777214             high byte first
    "U3N": types.IntType(0, 16777214),
    "U3R": types.IntType(0, 16777214),
    # S3N       signed 3 byte int            -8388607...8388607        low byte first
    # S3R       signed 3 byte int reverse    -8388607...8388607        high byte first
    "S3N": types.IntType(-8388607, 8388607),
    "S3R": types.IntType(-8388607, 8388607),
    # ULG       unsigned integer              0...4294967294           low byte first
    # ULR       unsigned integer reverse      0...4294967294           high byte first
    "ULG": types.IntType(0, 4294967294),
    "ULR": types.IntType(0, 4294967294),
    # SLG       signed integer               -2147483647...2147483647  low byte first
    # SLR       signed integer reverse       -2147483647...2147483647  high byte first
    "SLG": types.IntType(-2147483647, 2147483647),
    "SLR": types.IntType(-2147483647, 2147483647),

[docs]def decode_type(typecode, divider=None): """ Get :any:`Type` instance for `typecode`. Args: typecode: Type code according to typecodes_ Keyword Args: divider (int): Additional divider. .. _typecodes: >>> decode_type("STR:*") StrType() >>> decode_type("STR:9") StrType(length=9) >>> decode_type("HEX:*") HexType() >>> decode_type("HEX:9") HexType(length=9) >>> decode_type("BI0:0") BoolType() >>> decode_type("BI0:7") BoolType() >>> decode_type("BDA") DateType() >>> decode_type("BDA:3") DateType() >>> decode_type("HDA") DateType() >>> decode_type("HDA:3") DateType() >>> decode_type("DAY") DateType() >>> decode_type("BTI") TimeType() >>> decode_type("HTI") TimeType() >>> decode_type("VTI") TimeType() >>> decode_type("BTM") HourMinuteType() >>> decode_type("HTM") HourMinuteType() >>> decode_type("VTM") HourMinuteType() >>> decode_type("MIN") HourMinuteType() >>> decode_type("TTM") HourMinuteType(minres=10) >>> decode_type("TTH") HourMinuteType(minres=30) >>> decode_type("TTQ") HourMinuteType(minres=15) >>> decode_type("BDY") WeekdayType() >>> decode_type("HDY") WeekdayType() >>> decode_type("BCD") IntType(0, 99) >>> decode_type("BCD:2") IntType(0, 9999) >>> decode_type("BCD:3") IntType(0, 999999) >>> decode_type("BCD:4") IntType(0, 99999999) >>> decode_type("PIN") PinType() >>> decode_type("UCH") IntType(0, 254) >>> decode_type("SCH") IntType(-127, 127) >>> decode_type("D1B") IntType(-127, 127) >>> decode_type("D1C") IntType(0, 100, divider=2) >>> decode_type("D2B") IntType(-127.99, 127.99, divider=256) >>> decode_type("D2C") IntType(-2047.9, 2047.9, divider=16) >>> decode_type("FLT") IntType(-32.767, 32.767, divider=1000) >>> decode_type("FLR") IntType(-32.767, 32.767, divider=1000) >>> decode_type("EXP") FloatType() >>> decode_type("EXR") FloatType() >>> decode_type("UIN") IntType(0, 65534) >>> decode_type("UIR") IntType(0, 65534) >>> decode_type("SIN") IntType(-32767, 32767) >>> decode_type("SIR") IntType(-32767, 32767) >>> decode_type("U3N") IntType(0, 16777214) >>> decode_type("U3R") IntType(0, 16777214) >>> decode_type("S3N") IntType(-8388607, 8388607) >>> decode_type("S3R") IntType(-8388607, 8388607) >>> decode_type("ULG") IntType(0, 4294967294) >>> decode_type("ULR") IntType(0, 4294967294) >>> decode_type("SLG") IntType(-2147483647, 2147483647) >>> decode_type("SLR") IntType(-2147483647, 2147483647) """ # create missing types if typecode not in TYPEMAP: # STR character string Hello # NTS character string Hello if typecode.startswith(("STR:", "NTS:")): TYPEMAP[typecode] = types.StrType(_get_length(typecode)) # HEX hex digit string hex octet sep by space if typecode.startswith("HEX:"): TYPEMAP[typecode] = types.HexType(_get_length(typecode)) # BI0 bit 0 0...1 mat = _RE_BIT.match(typecode) if mat: TYPEMAP[typecode] = types.BoolType() # get type type_ = TYPEMAP[typecode] # divider if divider: type_ = type_.with_divider(divider) return type_
def _get_length(typecode): length = typecode.split(":")[1] if length != "*": return int(length) return None