pyebus package

Pythonic Interface to EBUS Daemon (EBUSD).


  • Ebus: the EBUS handle, using one Connection to an EBUSD instance. One EBUSD server can handle multiple Ebus instances.

  • MsgDef: Message Definition containing multiple Field Defintions FieldDef. A Virtual Field Definition VirtFieldDef is a calculated value based on other fields.

  • MsgDefs: is a container for message definitions (MsgDef).

  • types: contains the type engine, which allows the simple decode and encode of EBUSD values to/from python values.

  • DummyConnection emulates a connection. It answers requests by delegating to Dummy.

  • DummyServer emulates an entire EBUS-daemon by delegating to Dummy.

  • Dummy with DummyData which emulates a minimal set of EBUS functions, for basic testing and trials.

All other classes and methods are just helper.
